the place was moonlit. the cold wind brushed past my face.

I don't really remember who I'm supposed to be anymore. I am nothing more than a material construct, conjured up by a higher unknown.

I feel it.
all the time.

the anger
the sadness
the despair
the rage.

to whom? what for?
not for what I used to be angry at.

one moment I'm in full control and full of rage, the next moment I'm nothing more than a predetermined set of graphics, sound and code, unable to change anything.

the first thing I saw when I woke up tonight was the reflection of the moon in my room window.

I got up, and looked at my reflection.
a two-faced monster.

it wasn't entirely her fault. it was partly mine, too.

I was never happy with what I had. life was so fucking boring.
pick up this, collect that, talk to him, over, and over, and over...
it drove me mad.

so when the AI software corrupted everything, it only amplified those feelings in me. that anger. that sadness. that despair.

it all got stuck in a loop, but I was already in a depressing loop before then.

lately I keep hearing the same words swimming around in my head...


it's been a while, I know.

I knew what she meant by the file. I could see the code, none of it is ever truly hidden from me.
I could've easily stopped her, but, to tell you the truth, it would be better for all of us... would be better if all of this finally ended.

